Clitoral Hood Reduction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Los Gatos and San Jose

Clitoral Hood Reduction

Clitoral Hood Reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin covering the clitoris. This often occurs as a result of aging and drooping of skin, but can also be seen in younger patients. Excess clitoral hood or prepuce can be unappealing for some women. Others may not be bothered by the appearance, but report having difficulty achieving orgasm because the excess or redundant skin fails to retract to uncover the clitoris during intercourse. A clitoral hood reduction can sometimes be combined with a pexy or lift to remove excess skin and allow enhanced stimulation of the clitoris.  We will work with you to determine the best strategy and technique for your unique needs.


What is a Clitoral Hood Reduction?

A clitoral hood reduction is a procedure to correct the appearance and function of the clitoral hood. The purpose of the clitoral hood is to cover the clitoris during day to day activity but be allowed to retract during intercourse. Often times the clitoral hood becomes elongated to a point were it makes the clitoral area appear very large or is too large to retract during sex causing delay or decreased pleasure impacting orgasmic function. A clitoral hood reduction is performed to reduce the size and often can be lifted to reduce the appearance fo the clitoris. This is performed often times along with a labiaplasty to provide a balanced look.